06/22/2024 2:00 am
Tickets: https://order.toasttab.com/online/tradedenver
Pride isn’t stopping at 2 a.m. We are keeping the party going until 5 a.m.! After the event DUNGEON FANTASY ends on Saturday, June 21st, We are starting the after party immediately after at 2 a.m.
Pre-sale is available. The first few lucky ticket buyers will get a HUGE discount.
After that all pre-sale prices will be $30
Day of ticket prices will be $35. That price will be the same online,
and at the door.
You can combine DUNGEON FANTASY and the AFTERHOURS for $45 pre sale or $50 day of.
Keep in mind that there will also be pre-sale weekend packages. If you get your full weekend at once it will help you save some coin.
PLUS when you get your tickets online there will be no processing fees! the prices you see above is what you will pay!